구글 드라이브를 설명하는 디에디트의 영상 번역하기
'구글 쳐돌이로, 이 영상은 자막을 꼭 만들어야겠다.' 하고 착수한 디에디트 스앵님들 영상입니다. 미국에서 팀원들이랑 일해야 될 때 진짜 많이 쓰고, 학교에서 Google Doc 켜서 수업 들으면서 내용 타입 하고, 애들이랑은 Google Doc 문서 창에서 대화 치면서 킥킥대고 (그땐, 정작 대화 기능이 따로 없었음) 근데 막상 한국에 돌아오니, 쓰는 내가 이상한 건가 싶을 정도로 주변 사람들이 안 써서 애석했던 구글 드라이브 & 구글 연결 프로그램이었다. 그런데, 구글 드라이브 관련된 영상을 디에디트 스앵님들이 만드셨다.
같이 실시간으로 일할수 있다는 게 가장 큰 장점인 것 같은 구글 드라이브에 대한 내용 먼저 영상 보고 오시죠.
썸네일은 너무나도 광고스럽지만, 아니 진짜 이건 대학생들, 직장인들 모두 모두 알아야 한다고 생각합니다. 정말로다가! 디 에디트 스앵님들이 다 말해준다. 구글 드라이브, 구글 문서, 구글 스프레드 시트, 구글 폼, 구글 프레젠테이션, 구글 드로잉… 특히, 맥북 사용하면서 따로 MS사들의 프로그램 찾아 헤매야 했던 게 정말 싫었는데 그걸 갓 구글님들께서 다 처리해주셔서 내가 정말 황홀하게 썼던 프로그램들이다.
해석하면서 어려운 점보다는, 구글에서 직접 쓰이는 영어메뉴 그대로를 그대로 쓰고 싶은 마음에, 메뉴 이름 같은 것들을 하나씩 따라 해보면서 영어 메뉴 그대로 쓰려고 해서 오래 걸렸다는 점이었다. 굳이 또 해석면에서 어려웠던 점을 고르자면, 라테는 말이야~ 같은, 신조어를 해석할 때였다. 물론 비슷한 뉘앙스가 있긴 하지만, 본 영상에 쓰여있는 "Latte is horse~~" 이 언어유희를 영어권 사람들은 절대로 모를 것이기 때문이다.
-Back in the day, team work was done.....umm...... About once in a one term.
-Once in a one term, but you didn't even participate it?
-That's not true.
-But, I was the one who does nothing.
-Try to avoid eye contact.
-If someone said "who wants to be a leader?, then I was like this.......
-If someone said "who wants to be a presenter?, then I was like this.......
-If they asked me to do some research, then I did all my research and shared. /Do what they say/
-Scrape information... copy and paste and copy and paste... Then, just hand over.
-I was like that, anyway.
-Hi. I am the app genius, Editor M.
-For today, I am going to recommend the best team collaboration tool.
-So everybody who are watching this video right now, you can just use this tool for free.
-There's even better point that you don't even need to download it separately.
-Which is....
/Drum roll/
-Google drive by precious GOOGLE!
-You might say "Ugh.. Who doesn't know Google Drive? "
-Today, I am going to share lots of useful tips for how to get the most out of Google Drive. So stay tuned.
-And this is not a Google AD.
-You know it, right?
-Firs thing first, let's get the concept staright.
-It is a google cloud storage system.
-First, you gotta sign in Google Drive. It's easy.
-Just type 'Google Drive' in some search engine.
-Then, another window pops up and if you just click the 'Go to Drive', then that's it.
-This is the main screen of Google Drive. You might be familiar with it.
-You can see all those files that I've uploaded before.
-You can see storage capacity on the bottom.
-We probably would have at least one Google ID.
-If you have an ID on Google, it offers you 15GB storage for free.
-Hmm.. But, this 15GB... This might feel like it's little awkward amount for free.
-So you might feel it's lacking because this storage capacity also includes Gmail, and Google Photo as well.
-Compared to the smart phone storage that we are using these days, right?
-Google photo used to allow that High quality can be uploaded unlimitedly and original quality was up to 150GB.
-But Google announced very sad news recently.
-From 1st of June 2021, the unlimited backup service will be closed.
But they will include all those backup photos and videos into the free 150GB storage or the storage that you would buy extra.
-Then, this 15GB sounds little small.
-Those of you who feel like "Ugh, 15GB sounds too small" should pay for it with fee.
-Let's see the price table by clicking 'Buy Storage' button.
-For 100GB, it costs $1.99 A Month, and you can pay just $19.99 a year for the 100GB tier.
-For 200GB, it costs $2.99-per-month, or $30 annually.
-For 2TB tier, you have to pay about $10 a month or $100 annually.
-It is not that cheap.
-But if you are a student of college and your college offers G Suite Business system, you can use unlimited storage.
-So you'd better check.
-But don't be intimidated by it just because you have to pay for it.
-The functions that I am going to talk about today is not about file storage and synchronization, but the collaboration tools. So it's going to be mostly about documents.
-So 15GB that they offer for free is enough for today's contents.
-First, you use it. After that, you feel still it is not enough. Then, you can pay for extra storage.
-Here goes useful tips.
-I've introduced some productivity apps that I used often previously, and lots of you were raving about Adobe Scan app that can scan your documents and read the text of them.
-You can use this function in Google Drive.
-You don't have to type all of the text of your major text books, but just take a photo of them and upload them into Google Drive.
-Let me show you.
-First, bring out some PDF file within lots of text or a photo of one page from a book.
-Then, upload the photo file into Google Drive
-You can just drag and drop into Google Drive.
-Or, you can 'New' button and 'file upload' button.
-Your file has been uploaded. I can see the file right here.
-From now on, take a good look at it.
-In this situation, if you press right click on your mouse, the menu pops up.
-Then, Click Open with > Google Doc
-Google document will be opened in another window.
-It takes some times because it's reading text in the image.
-If it's done reading it, Tada!!
-The image has been added into Google Doc. Then you can see all those text from the image on the bottom of the image.
-Let me downsize the text since they look too big right now.
-Can you see it? There's an image of the book and all the text from image even with the book page number which has been read clearly.
-It's amazing, right?
-And a recognition rate is quite high.
-Few days ago, I was supposed to send some money to abroad and had to search for a swift code for a bank.
-But all those blogs that I have looked, they uploaded all the swift codes as images.
-So I used this method very usefully.
-I downloaded images, and then uploaded into Google Drive. Then, read as a Google Doc.
-Let me show you how it was.
-Can you see it? But there's a bit of limitation to recognize graphs or charts.
-I had to make my own anyway.
-So the order was a little bit messy.
-But the text can be fully copiable and so it was really useful for me.
-SO like this.. Just copy and paste! That's it.
-Let me try PDF file with lots of text in it.
-Like I did before, Open with > Google Doc....
-Then, it will convert text image into text that you can actually copy and paste.
-Since this was so interesting, so I even tried with a screen shot of your comment.
-Im gonna put some background color because it's not showing well.
-Tada~! It reads all those hearts and text.
-It's easy and amazing.
-If you use this function, you don't need to deal with all those hassles to type every single letters of your text books and workbooks.
-You can just snap a shot and upload into your google drive. So please give it a try!
-Next, I'd like to let you know how to edit excel files without Excel program.
-Back in childhood, we had download pirate version of office programs and used it illegally.
-We all knew that was not the right thing. But we were supposed to do HW and the legal programs are expensive.
-But now, you don't have to deal with that problem anymore.
-It's easy peasy, but let me explain for some of you who have never done it before.
-Drag and drop your excel file into Google Drive that you have already.
-Then, if you double-click it, it will be opened into a new window by Google Spreadsheet.
-You can edit your numbers in here.
-If you are done with editing, let's save it into Excel file again.
-On the top of it, there's menu and File> Download. Then, click Microsoft Excel.
-You can download it.
-Let me check it in my downloads folder.
-Tada! It has been saved as MS Excel file.
-For me, I used this function well when I send information of all winners of event to delivery companies.
-Or when I share files outwardly using excel or some docs.
-You don' have to save into file, but just share to others with this link itself.
-It's so easy.
-What I like about this is I can access the file anytime I want because it is not saved in my computer, but the google drive.
-And whenever I edit it, it is adjusted with live-edit.
-You know when we save our final files... They go like.. 'edit.jpg', 'Really_final.jpg', 'Really_final 2.jpg', '4 real_final.jpg' and 'FFINAL.jpg'
-We don't need to do that anymore with it.
-Even when you share some sensitive document, you can change permissions of the file or just delete the file.
-I was more relieved by its information safety.
-Sharing outward is also very easy.
-If you click a share button on the right side corner, there's window pops up.
-Then, Click a 'get link' part.
-You can see the link of its.
-Next, copy the link and share it.
-But, bare in mind. You have to give proper permissions.
-If you clicked the link, there are two options which are restricted, and Anyone with the link.
-Just in case you share the document with option 'restricted', ' You need access page' shows up when other person tries to open the link.
-The person has to click 'request access' and the owner of the document have to approve. Then, the person can finally see it.
-But if you share a file with 'Anyone with the link option', anyone with the link can see this document (literally)
-So it you share a document with 'anyone with the link' option, people can see the file like this.
-But within those two options, receiver can't edit the documents at all. So keep that in mind.
-They can only see it.
-Now you get it how easy to collaborate with others by using these Google Drive.
-College students use this a lot these days.
-If there was something like this back in my days, I would have never gotten any F grades... /Highly doubt that.../
-I've already explained how to use Google Spreadsheet as Excel's alternative.
-Not only Google Drive covers Excel, but also pretty much everything like MSWord, PPT...
-Think as Google Doc is word, Google Spreadsheet is Excel, and Google Presentation is PPT.
-You can create a document, share it and collaborate with others as well with these Google Doc, Spreadsheet, Presentation which are all in Google drive.
-In addition, Google's programs are Web-based which means that you don't need to install extra program into your computer.
-It is so useful.
-From now on, I'd like to show you how you can actually work with others by using these tools.
-On Google Drive, Press New, and click the program that you would like to use.
-What should we do this time? Since we've covered Google Doc, Spreadsheet already, why don't we create a presentation which is the most common tool for team work.
-Then, it pops up just like PPT window. Let me write down something on here.
-Welcome to the hell of teamwork.
-If you are not participating, Straight F grade.
-Create a new slide, and apply the new pretty template into it.
-If you are done like this, now you have to work with others.
-Press 'Share' button just like how you did it on Spreadsheet.
-But this time, you have to collaborate with others, not just showing the document.
-It's not like 'Just watch what I've done' , but just COWORK.
-Share > Share with people. and groups , not the get link part.
-But for this, you have to know the team members' Gmail accounts.
-If you type Gmail accounts of others, you can work together.
-I am going to put 'the-edit' email address, and try to work as two.
-Now, you are ready for co-working.
-Take a look at this. If I change 'Hell' part into 'Fun'..
-You can see the name of the google account and edited contents right away.
-It's awesome, right?
-Up to 50 people can do this live-editing at the same time.
-It's bit slow and there's a bit of delay though.
-But it's possible.
-Let me try to edit the second slide contents with my other account.
-The good thing about this is any members who joined in can write down comment.
-Leave a comment on the comment.
-And keep commenting each others.
-This is almost like a battle.
-On the top of the document, you can see the participants as icons.
-Do you see this button of dot dot dot? If you click this, you can even chat with participants on the side.
-It's the best thing of this since you don't need to use another messenger while you are working on it.
-And on the top of these, you can video-chat, screen-share and voice-chat by Google hangout.
-You can just work from home together more efficiently by using these tools without meeting in person under the situation like these days.
-I think it's really useful.
-And one of the popular tools on Google is Google Forms.
-You can use it when you get informations and opinions from others.
-when we held a little event for iPhone 12 that lots people liked about, we've used this--Google Forms.
-This is easy-peasy, but I am goin to explain real quick for someone who might not know about this.
-Click 'New' on Google Drive.
-You can select Google Forms and then just add up some questions.
-'Here's a survey for charming 'The edit'.'
-The question goes like 'Did you subscribe 'the edit'?
-There are options for the answer forms like short answers, long answers, and multiple chocies.
-I choose the multiple options and just put "subscribe" / "No"
-If you want to add more questions, then click the + button on the right corner.
-Leave a question and I am going to choose the short answer.
-And if you click the 'mandatory' on the bottom of the question, people must answer this question to finish the survey.
-After you finish it, why don't we share this?
-Click share button, and then click to the link icon shaped like a clip.
-This link seems too long, Check the box of shorten URL and copy.
-Then, you can share this link.
-There's a useful tip for it. If you want to edit the previous questions from Google Forms that you've created before, you can import previous questions by clicking this button below the + button.
-You can select questions from it. I am going to select all for now. Then, here we go. Every question has been added.
And if you want to decorate this Forms, click the palette button.
-You can change the main color, and even add some image as a head cover.
-You can switch some color to match to this image.
-The Forms get copied like this by clicking share.
-Let me answer these questions quickly.
-Submit. That's it.
-Answers could be checked on the Google Forms or you can even see the results on the SpreadSheet.
-If you've done it once, it's not difficult for you. But we prepared this tip just in case that you've never done it.
-Last, but not least, we are going to edit some photo with Google.
-It's not like Photoshop, but you can do simple edits.
-Click 'new' on the Google Drive.
And click 'More'. You will see the 'Google Drawings' and click it.
-This is just like MSPaint.
-Drag and drop the image that you want to edit.
-The window that you see on the bottom is like a canvas.
-The basic of this is putting some image on the transparent canvas.
-You can adjust a size of the image by dragging right bottom on the corner
-You can move the image around.
-The one thing I use a lot on this Google Drawings is format option.
-You can add shadow in it or reflect the image itself.
-You can recolor the image -- different colors, and Invert. So play around by clicking options.
-Depends on the final format, you can select jpg, png, and pdf.
-Just because I like the transparency, I am going to choose PNG format.
-Tada! I changed the color of image.
-Like other tools that I've mentioned before, You can collaborate and share the link without any download on Google Drawings as well.
-For today, I've introduced how you can collaborate with others by using Google Drive, and other Google programs.
-These informations might be a very small part of about Google systems since they created various functions.
-These functions that I've introduced today were just basics of basics and probably there are some people who already knew about these.
-But it was useful.
-I hope this tutorial helped.
-I'll be back with another useful tips!
-See you again, Bye
-Ah, don't forget to like, subscribe and hit the notification button, please!
-The end!
-You are good at acting.
-I didn't do any acting though.
-I've never done acting.
-It's been a while since I went to the college.
-But in these days, companies are sharing Google Docs a lot.
-Maybe we should do it as well.
-Should we?
-Uni PD said No.
-It's little bit laggy. That's the downside.
-Sometimes, it gets delayed. But overall, it's good.
-It's too obvious that what everyone is doing.
-Ahhh! That might be annoying.
+ Let's get ____ straight. -- Let's get something straight의 의미는 '잠깐 정리 좀 바로 하자.', '확실히 하자'라는 뜻이 있습니다. 그래서 something대신 원하는 것 들을 넣어도 되는데, 스크립트에선 '개념부터 잡고 들어갈게요.'라는 말을 Let's get the concpet straight.로 의역해선 넣었습니다.
+ -For 2TB tier, you have to pay about $10 a month or $100 annually. --라는 부분에서 tier라는 단어 혹시 익숙하신가요? '그 선수는 탑티어지!' 이런 표현 들어보셨을지도 모르겠습니다. Tier라는 단어는 층, 단을 의미하고, 그룹이나 조직에서는 단계를 의미합니다. 그래서 탑티어 하면 최상위급이라는 의미로 쓰일 수 있는 것입니다. Top tier ; 1류/최상/최고등급 , Second tier ; 2류, Third tier ; 3류
그런데 여기서는 2TB급은 한 달에 10달러, 1년에 100불이야.라는 의미를 쓸 때 tier라는 단어를 써서 사용했습니다.
+ laggy -- 우리 컴퓨터에 흔히들 렉/랙 걸렸다고 하는 게 그 lag 맞다. Lag의 의미는 뒤떨어지다, 느릿느릿 걷다 뒤떨어짐, 시간의 착오, 지연라는 뜻이 있는데, Laggy 하면 좀 뒤떨어진, 느릿한, 느린, 이런 의미를 갖는다.
오늘도 재밌게 디에디트의 영상을 번역해봤습니다. 사실 다른 영상들보다 시간이 좀 더 걸렸습니다. 길이도 그렇고 아무래도 내용이 많이 들어가 있다보니, 그렇지만 재밌게 끝냈습니다.
외에도, 영어 번역이나, 영어자막에 대한 궁금증이나 질문은 댓글에 남겨주시면 성심성의껏 답변해드리겠습니다.
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