우리 모두의 소원 돈길 걷기... 유튜버들도 다르지 않군요. 구독자 2000명 정도 되면, 뷰가 어느정도 되면, 얼마나 벌까..궁금해했는데 소풍족 스앵님들이 굳이...눈물나는 추정수익 알려주셨습니다. 썸네일부터 빵터지게 되는 퀄리티... 왜 이렇게 유튜브 알고리즘 일 안합니까?!! 이 언니들 좀 빨랑 좀 돈길 걷게 해주세요. 영상 퀄리티며, 재미도 보장인데 구독자수와 뷰수가 왜이렇게 안 느는지 알고싶습니다.
아무래도 여행 유튜버니까 자본도 많이 들어가고 하니까, 지금 같은 상황에선 정말로 쉽지 않겠다는 생각을 했지만... @_@ 영상 보고 눈물 머금고 작업했습니다. 자주 하다보니, 자막 제작하는 것도 더 빨라지는 것 같군요. (중간에 날리지만 않는다면 정말 스피드는 나쁘지 않은 것 같네요.) 저뿐만 아니고 모두가 궁금해하는 유튜브 수익... 유튜브를 캡쳐하면서까지 살신성인으로 보여주신 소풍족 스앵님들께 감사의 말씀 전합니다. 소풍족 컨텐츠로 확인해볼까요?
+내년에는 정말 더 돈길만 걸으시길 바랍니다 ㅠㅠ!
Picnic crew
-There are lots different of factors that affects to the actual profit. -Hello! -Where's this greeting from ? -Hello. -Hello. -It's year-end. -It's year-end now-What should you do for year-end ? -Thirty /(soon to be thirty)/ -Congrats to your thirty! /CONGRATS! Picnic crew Young's thirty/ -But for real, what should you do for year-end? -year-end tax adjustment -We,picnic crew, also should do year-end tax adjustment. -Is there anything to do with Year-End Tax Adjustment Procedure? -But we are going to do it. -If you can't watch any sad movies, you'd better bring some tissue. /Warning for sadness/ -Let's cut to the chase and will reveal our profit first. /Picnic crew's profit reveal/ -This is the reality of Picnic Crew. /Warning for our parents/ -(Our) Moms and Dads, please don't watch. -So our channel was opened on February 14th, and start to generate revenue by adding ads. -The thing that I really want to mention first is that... -Lots of people ask to youtubers that "how much can you make if you have about 10,000 subscribers? -But we all have no idea about that. -It is all up to how long the video is, how many ads you would add, how long the viewer are watching.. -There are lots of different factors would affect to the final profits. -So just assuming how much money youtubers would make based on the subscribers and views won't work much and the assumed profit by those will be very erroneous. -If I give you guys a better example for it, you know there is a video that we had better views recently. -Picnic crew's cash cow! -"Even under this kind of situation, we are going to go to Europe. " -Yeah, that one that we were trolling a lot. -Surely, that was an art of trolling. -So how much is the profit of this video..? -(equivalently)about 12USD -And another video is camping to YangYang. -The video's view is about 1/3 of the video "Even under this kind of situation, we are going to go to Europe. " -"Even under this kind of situation, we are going to go to Europe. " 6.6k views VS "Camping to YangYang" 2k views. -But we earned about 13USD by the camping to YangYang. -Although the views of Camping to Yangyang are lower than the virtual trip to Europe, but the assumed profit is higher. -Oh 2k views can make 12USD, so 6k views would make about 40USD. -No, that can't be that. -No, it won't work like that at all. -Certainly not. -So let's talk about monthly profits. -So we started to make profit by adding ad on 21st, August. There are previous 21 days are missing. -Since then, the profit for very short term is about 15USD. /August profit is 15USD/ -We can't even have chicken with this. -For September, we did collaboration with MiMi YeoGo (MiMi high school). -Lots of fans from MiMi YeoGo came by our channels, so we made enough money for chicken. -130USD /September profit is about 13USD/ -With this much of money, going to buffet is possible. -Hotel buffet? -But only one person. LUNCH BUFFET. -And -Then, the reality hits hard. -That was time that we had filmed only us instead. The reality hits. -We realized that this is our actual grades. -For October, we've made about 61USD -Then, November was like 73USD. -December profit is about 70USD. -We assume that on this month, December, our profit might go up to about 80USD. /For several days, there were extra 5$ profit and it became $75./ -Little by little.. -We've gain more profits. -Yeah, gaining little by little. -So the total profit goes to..! -355..... - 350.52... -(about)$350.5 -We've made about 350USD. -Congrats, man. -Good job. -We've made 350USD for several months.. -The bottom line.. we MADE some money. -Now is the time to cry... /It's okay to tear up now.../ -Cry now.. -Let's do some math. -How many months.. -For 10months.. -Average..We've made about 35$ monthly. -35USD... -It could've been better to get some allowance from mom by Aegyoing (<-being cutesy) -Sigh.. -But the thing is our profit is not everything. -You're correct. This is actually not the profit, but sales. -What do we have other than sales? -expenses! /If there's sales, that means there's also expense. / -Let's see how much money we spent for expenses. -We won't count the camera. /Since we've already have it./ -The basic of video editing. -The video editing program! -Premiere -We are paying about 24USD montly. -$24 each. -We are spending about $48 monthly. -So we are spending more than profit monthly. -Yeah. -We are making about $35 for a month. -Going into the red already.. -But hang in there. We've got some more... Stay tuned. -Don't go anywhere. This is the reality... The reality of youtube world. Please listen. -Since we want to make high quality videos, we are using Music Licensing website which is called "artlist" -For a year, it costs about $200 -Then, it is our basic expenses. -Our travel expenses. -Right. -The videos from ChiangMai and Taiwan that we had uploaded at the very beginning.... -We won't count them. -We didn't go there for youtube, but it was just our personal trip. -Without counting them, travelogue was the first content of ours. -We could've done it at home. -But we've got...(too motivated..) -We are aiming for high qualities.. -We've got total of 4 videos. -Total 4.. -We've spent about $400 for those contents. -We can see that we invested about 10USD into one video. -We are making about $1 per one video, but we are investing $10 per one video as well. -V E R Y R E A S O N A B L E ! -Stop!!.. :( Stop! -Stop it. -After the travelogues, we went to YoungWol. -Beautiful YeongWol.. -We've made 10 videos from that trip. -But we've spent $900 -So that means that we've spent $90 per a video. -Then, we went to camping after that. -THE MOST BASIC THING ABOUT CAMPING. -We've spent about $1000 for camping equipments. -Huh ? -For real? -Yeah.. -We've tried to buy economical equipments but still costed about $1000. -The camping is,,like that.. -We might go more camping with them. -I feel relieved about that. -If you bought them, you could use them over and over. -Our first camping was to YangYang. -Including camping sites fees, Food expenses, gas costs... -In YangYang, we've spent about $150 and for Gapyeong Camping, we've spent about $200. -The total of the camping expenses hits about $1350. -We've uploaded Christmas video recently, so we've spent about $50 for that. -But we could make some excuses for that though.. -Because we just hung out by ourselves to have fun. -I don't think so. -Aw.oKay..... . -We didn't just hang out, but we've wanted to film, so we hung out for that reason. -That's true. We would not have hung out if there was no filming. -Right. -We wouldn't hang out. .. We are not that close.. (mimic) -Take your calculate out. -Ugh! -First, $480~ -Already $480? -$200(for music licensing) -$400 (Travelogue) -$900(YeongWol) -$1350 (camping equipments) -$50(Christmas) -Total goes to about $3380.. -How much did we make? $350? -It is running 10 times more of deficit. -BUT WE'VE GOT MORE. -What do we have more? -Our time.. -Our labor.. (Sigh) -We can't just eliminate the cost of labors. -It is pretty important though.. -When people think about profit.. like 'Oh. I've made $35" -But think about how much we've spent for those. -That is actually the biggest part though. -Let's just say that we spent about 100hours per month and -$10 for Hourly rate.. Then $10000 each of us. -Total of $20000 for 10months.. -$20000 /profits : $350, expenses : $23,380/ -We should've made $20000 under our circumstances... but we've made only $350. -It means, even if we've made $23,380, it's not profitable for us. -It's just flat. -Then, the net profit is just zero. -ZERO? -It's minus !! This is an overdraft account. -We've realized that youtube ain't no joke. -We had saved this much of money for travel to abroad, and that's why we could invested this much.. -Probably others won't spend this much. -Right.. -But, this is our reality though. -Many of you who are watching this might think like "Should they have spent that much though?" -We also think the same way. -I also think the same. -For this kind of Covid situation, we had tried to endure. -We were thinking like "Maybe one day we might make it? ... since we debuted ourselves as travel youtubers." -Over shoes, over boots. -WE'VE TRIED HARD ENOUGH.. but it turned out this way. -Give her some tissue. -To sum up.. -Our subscribers are 2k, and our debts are $20,000. -For those of you who are watching this video by searching, you might be curious how much would we make.. -Or some people who has been struggled like us. -But the reality is like this. -But of course we've got some lots of deficits.
-Right. -Since we are travel youtubers, we spent lots of basic contents fees. -If you really don't want to make any deficits... just at home -Do something you do well.. -Without spending any money. -It's better to do that way. -But it is not that easy though. -Right. -Among these many many youtubers, let's try our best to make lots of profits in 2021. -Go all the youtubers who just have started like us. -Let's do it! -Go! go! -Go for it! YAY ! -Win over! -Fight over! -Enjoy. -Only those who enjoy can make it! -Make what? -Money! /singing ♪ Wax - money♪ / -Doney(money in Korean) -Money -better to have lots of it. -Money money, Money -Is it Money money, Money ? -Not the doney? -Let's bet. -Money, Money and Doney!! /singing ♪ Wax - money♪ /
+ Going into the red already.. ; 라는 표현이 있었는데요. 적자를 영어로 deficit / loss / in the red라고 하는데요. 우리나라 말로 붉을 적자를 쓰는거 보면, 영어로 기억하는 것도 어렵지 않겠죠. 반대로 흑자는 surplus / in the black이라고 생각합니다. 레드와 블랙을 잘 생각하면 어렵지않겠죠 ?
+ To sum up.. ; 한마디로 말하자면을 이렇게 번역했는데요. 직역해서 Let me say one sentence보다는 요약하자면.. 정리하자면..이라는 의미로 쓰이는 To sum up을 썼습니다. let me recap ~ / In conclusion / To summarize 정도를 더 쓸 수 있겠네요.
+ 애교라는 단어는.. 정말 영어로 해석하기 어려운 것 같습니다. 소복소복 처럼 영어로 대체되기 어려운 단어 같습니다. 그래서 그냥 Aegyoing 이라고 그냥 써놓고 (Being cutesy)정도로 옆에 해석 해놨습니다.
모두가 궁금해하는 유튜브 수익... 구독자수와 뷰수도 중요하지만, 사실 다른 요소들이 많아서 구독자와 뷰수 만으로는 얼마 버는 지 계산하기 어려운 유튜브라고 하니 정말 더 진입장벽 높게만 생각됩니다. @_@..... 저는 당분간 티스토리라도 열심히 하는걸로 하겠습니다.
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