어제 올린 이지다님의 채널 영상도 자막을 만들어봤습니다. 그 채널에 많이 보이시는 만주님! 만주님 유튜브도 있길래 영어자막 해석 달아드렸습니다. :-) 민쏘공이라는 크루까지 생성(?!) 전 민쏘공 멤버들 조합 찬성일세... 동아방송 예술대 세계관 못 잃어!!!! 💜 아니, 이지다님 채널에 올라온 댓글 보고 너무 빵 터졌는데.... 이런 진정 못 하는 멤버분들 중에 하나였던 만주님...
정작 만주님 채널에서는 좀만 더 진정된 톤(?)... 만주님은 우유배달일을 하시고는 배달 브이로그를 찍어서 올리시는데, 아직 영상이 많이 없지만 많이 많이 늘어나서 다양한 콘텐츠도 찍어주셨으면 좋겠는 욕심납니당...💛
보드게임 지도사 자격증 소유자이시니, 보드게임도 많이 올려주세요. 바로 이 전 포스팅이 이지다님이여서 그런지... 상대적으로 짧게 느껴지는 자막 양이지만 그래도 독백이 대부분을 차지해서 또 다른 느낌이었습니다. 굳이 찾아본 어려운 점은 독백이 위주였고, 그런 독백과 비슷한 내용의 한글자막이 있어서... 이걸 같이 넣어야 하나 말아야 하나 하는 정도의 고민정도 였습니다. 그래서 이 영상 때문에 어찌 보면 저만의 시스템을 구축했습니다. 보는 사람에 따라서는 헷갈릴 수도 있겠지만... 첫 번째로는 대화 앞엔 '-' 하이픈을 붙여서 대화 시작을 알리는 것, 두 번째로는영상 자체의 한글 자막 시작과 끝에는 '/' 대쉬를 붙여서 자막 부분을 표현했습니다. 번역하시는 다른 분들은 어떻게 표현하는 지도 궁금하네요.
단어들이나 표현들이 어려운 표현은 없었습니다.
What are you doing?
WOOYOO ! (Milk)
/Yes, this part is set-up, but enjoy it./
/Ugh! I'm so surprised./
/I should do milk-delivery./
/Should I just sleep more? No.No. I shouldn't./
/For your information - I had set the alarm for this part to shoot and almost fall asleep for real./
/Wake UP!!/
/Even though I had set up this situation, I felt ridiculous by this situation./
/I am trying to show how much I didn't want to go for delivery. /
/Ta da~!!!!/
/Am I alright...?/
/I mean.. really.. Am I okay ?/
Hello. Man-Ju here~
I just arrived at the spot where I'm supposed to deliver some milk.
Today's time (?) is...
I always forget...
/I turn a windshield wiper on while I was trying to watch the time./
/This is a REALLY OLD FOOTAGE./ -Today, it is 20 of July Monday.
-Today is my busiest day. /Monday=Lots of orders of milk. For the middle of the month = an invoice has to be delivered together/
-And/Monday=Lots of orders of milk & For the middle of the month = invoice has to be delivered together/
-The end of the month is coming, so I gotta deliver an invoice together as well.
For a case like this week,
I have to take 3days off - this Friday to next Monday and Wednesday as my vacation time and shooting time.
So I've already let my boss know about this.
/rainy season starts/ -OH No... it is starting to rain.
/hastiness/ - I am going to shoot daily vlog instead of milk delivery part.
I might not be able to do well, but I will do my best.
So today is the worst day of rainy season. It was the heaviest rainy day ever since this morning.
So if I'm in the rain without an umbrella, my body get completely soaked.
Ugh.. it stopped raining, but all of sudden when I try to turn my phone on.
I mean.. when I turn on my camera, it starts to rain again.
So I am going to make as much haste as possible.
/The first prep stage is completed./
/But the sound of rain got stronger./
Is it really the rain?
/Rain pours, but today is the busiest day for milk-delivery.
/And I even have to deliver invoice as well....This whole situation bustles me off. /
/It almost sounds like a car or some wave.../
/It gets gradually pouring more and more./
/accidental ASMR of Rain/
/The sound of rain was dying down a bit./
/Psych!! it was not./
/How am I going to do all these things?/
/I'm in a big trouble. / -Oh my...
/ I have to show you this. /
/Can't stop laughing at witnessing this fiasco./
/For real.../
/so fed up by this/ - Are you seeing this....?
-Oh,geez. This is insane...
/Shaking my head/
/Next, invoice/
/I need to tear along the perforated line./
/ Use some condensed moisture from a milk package to sort the invoice paper by each towns./
/ I usually put invoice paper in a milk delivery bag.
but when there is too much condensation on the surface of a milk package, I just put it in the postbox./
/barricade not to flutter/
/Okay, this is a last step for prep now./
/If I finish to clean around!!/
/look already tired/ - I'm done with sorting milk.
/foreshadowing/-Since the rain comes and goes, I feel like today is going to be a tough day.
-Starting now
/openning an umbrella~!/
/It is difficult to put milk in this bag../
/putting invoice together!/
/careful with a pothole/
/feel like the next destination is farther./
/looking for an invoice/
/The milk is coming up~/
/it is going in~/
/wind sound ASMR/
/It almost sounds like a helicopter.../
/But the wind made it more breezier and cooler./ -It's cool
-The thing that I had worried about happened.
-I took the wrong bag...
/I came a pretty long way, but I gotta go back to the my car again./ -I hate this...
/Cheer up!!!/-Cheer up.
/just arrived to the car./
/I was more fed up quickly because the milk delivery bag was too heavy for today.
- I'm so tired.
- And I have to go to the 2nd...2nd floor.
/I've got the wrong milk./
-What's wrong with me today?
/MY VERY LUCKY DAY/ -The umbrella is leaking...
/The milk delivery should be continued even though the umbrella is leaking./
/Rain stopped while I was delivering milk./
/Help me out/-Ugh,No (sigh)
-package delivery....
-There might be a person who delivers packages.
/First meeting with Coupang Man(package delivery man)/
/I tried to do something because I felt awkward./
/The minute almost felt like an hour./
/I gotta hold this elevator for him./
-Coupang Man(delivery Man) : Thanks~
-I just saw the Coupang Man in real life.
/feel like I met some celebrity. /- It's interesting.
-He seems younger than me.
-He looks like he is a young youth..? /What is that meaning of it ? lol/
/I felt absurd for saying it./
-He looks younger than me anyway. /or REALLY YOUNG LOOKING/
-Since I am a person who delivers as well, I've waited for him. /boasting/
/Since I've met the Coupang Man,(?) I gotta deliver hard./
/ManJu's intermission Karaoke/ - Again another day passes by
-But my day is rising, not just passing by.
/Oh yeah~/
/Losing my way/
/I'm glad it was just another door away. /
/Putting milk in.zip/
/I like scenes that milks goes into a box./
/People who commutes very early in the morning./
/Ah....Maybe I am really crazy./
/It was too gigantic./
-What is that?
/Really frightened + fear/
/I am wearing a mask, because I look too bad./ So for today,
/My mind is somewhere else./
-So I am done with today's duty.
-It is too hard.
-Rain was pouring...
-It was very upsetting that I couldn't get a shot of the moment that the umbrella was flying over and almost flipped over.
-Even though it was a long umbrella, the wind was too strong.
-Today was the one of hard days ever.
-My back really hurts.
-For real, it really does.
-When it was pouring like this before, I felt scared.
-So I used a smaller bag so that I can stop by several times.
/But I was greedy because I wanted to finish it quickly. /
-But I just made my mind today to deliver them with a big bag because the rain came and went time to time.
-But I over-estimated myself.
-But it didn't make me weak.
-Too exhausted. -This was one of the hardest days ever.
-Tehe.. But, anyway I.. really..
-tried my best. I made it today even with this pouring rains.
-I've even met a CoupangMan.
-During the delivery... egg..yogurt...something like those...
-I've also met the deliveryman of those...
-So I've learned that there are lots of people who are working hard for other people behind the scenes.
-I've felt that again today.
-And I also...
/feel shy to say this.../
-A thing that I have been learning is that it is really hard.
-This job might look like it is a easy work to do, but..
-It takes lots of efforts and is really difficult to do.
-And it is not enough of compensation compared to how much I've worked.
-But I've been doing this just because I like it.
-I wish that the effort of people who delivers milk including me can be shown and shared to others.
-That's the reason why I am filming this.
/Feel shy again../
-So if you are watching this, hope you understand a bit of their huge efforts
-Thank you guys for today !
/Thank you/
/What are you doing,Manjoo~/
몇 가지 짚어보면 지로용지를 어떻게 말해야 할지 난감했어요. 사실 지로용지가 스페인어에 기반을 둔 라틴어 귀 루스에서 유래됐다고 하네요 전혀 몰랐었습니다. (영어 선생님 맞아???;;) 지로가 Giro라는 거 다른 분들도 알고 계셨나요?; 단순히 그냥 한자어라고 생각해왔었는데... 사실 좀 충격... 변명하자면, 미국에서 살면서 오히려 지로용지를 써본 적이 없었어요. 보통 전기요금이나, 수도요금을 낼 때도 대부분 bill이란 단어를 쓰곤 했는데... bill을 쓸까 하다가 뭔가 서비스와 제품에 대한 가격이니까 invoice를 써도 괜찮겠다고 생각해서 invoice를 썼습니다.
Prep이란 단어도 알아두세요. 쿠킹쇼 같은 거 좋아하시는 분이라면 익숙한 단어일지도 모르겠습니다. 미리 준비해놓는 단계일 때 이 표현을 많이 쓰죠. 근데, 요리뿐만 아니고 모든 분야의 '준비'의 의미가 가능하니깐, 많이 쓰실 수 있으실 겁니다. 준비하기 / 준비(preparation)의 준말로 알고 계시면 됩니다 :)
Psych!라는 표현도 알아두시면 좋습니다. 대화할 때 그래도 많이 쓰이는 표현이고, 미드 같은 곳에서 많이 나오니깐 알아두시면 좋을 거예요. 방금 한말을 취소할 때 쓰는 말, 혹은 상대방을 속일 때 쓰는 말 정도로 생각하시면 좋습니다. 발음대로 sike!!!라고도 씁니다. psych와 sike 둘 다 뻥이야! 거짓말이야! 속았지! 이런 표현 정도로 쓰시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
역시 하고 나면 뿌듯한 영어자막 넣기! 요새 아무래도 집에 있는 시간이 늘다 보니, 유튜브를 보는 시간도 정말 많이 늘었는데요. 그 시간을 좀 제대로 쓰고 싶은 마음에 시작한 일이지만 할 때는 귀찮기도 하지만 끝나고 나서의 뿌듯함 때문에 계속하게 되는 것 같습니다. 영어자막에 관한 문의점이 있으시면 댓글로 문의해주세요.
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