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[유튜브 영어 자막] - 이지다

by 귀밤토리 2020. 12. 21.

동아방송예술대 유니버스의 주축이 아닐까 싶은 이지다님 유튜브 영상 영어로 번역& 영어자막 만들기


(헠헠... 어제 보자마자 달려가서 보고는, 진짜 고민 많이 함.... 오디오가 안 비는 듯한 이 영상을 내가 과연 자막을 만들 수 있을까... 하지만 바로 해버렸다. 바로 안 하면 계속 못 할 것 같아서...)


유튜브에서 보드게임을 검색하다가 알게 된 이지다님 (을 통해서 만주야뭐하니 부터 소풍족, 심지어 푸풉까지 구독해버림... 이 언니들 텐션 진짜 미쳤다리... 언니들 아니고, 다들 저보다 어리시지만ㅜㅜ) 보드게임 영상 하나 보고 처음부터 주욱 다 정주행 했지만 계속 계속 미룸... 영어자막 만들기. 대사며 자막이 쉴 틈이 없어서 진짜 고민 여러 번 했지만, 착수(?)했다. 

Photo by Peter Olexa from Pexels

나도 나름 재기 발랄한 활동가. ENFP인데.... 이 언니들 텐션은 못 따라가..... 보는 것만으로도 기빨리지만 한 순간도 놓칠 수 없이 소중...💜💛미루고 미루다가 아 진짜 새 영상 올라오면 바로 해야지 했는데, 이런.... 인원이 더 많아졌다니요... ㅜㅜ 원래 이지다의 자주 출연하는 멤버들 이상으로다가 팬분들까지 더해진 대사를 번역해보았습니다.  


볼륨 좀 줄이고 들으세요. 풀볼륨으론 텐션 감당 안됌... 💜 💛

특히나 어려웠던 부분들은 고요 속의 외침 게임할 때... 아무래도 소리 그대로를 입모양 보고 맞추는 게임이다 보니깐, 말하는 것의 영어자막을 그대로 넣으면 뭔가 이해도가 떨어질 것 같아서 한글 소리 내는 대로 쓰고 옆에 영어 뜻을 달았다. (영어 뜻이 있다면.. 없는 경우도 꽤 있었음)  


그리고 이지다님의 큰 장점이자 구독자라면 알듯한 중간중간 장면 디바이더로 활약 중인 예전 영상들의 짤 클립들 (밈meme 수준임..)을 다 해석해야 할까 했는데 거의 대부분은 안 하고 몇몇만 했다. 하기엔 굉장히 짧고 애매한 부분이 많아서 그 부분을 거의 스킵을 했다.  



+또 하나의 복병은 보드게임 이름들을 영어 버전으로 그대로 찾아서 넣어야 했던 것 -- 특히 '너도나도'는 검색을 해봐도 잘 안 나왔다. You, too? Me, too! board game으로 먼저 검색해봤지만 (당연히) 검색 결과가 없었고, 이게 감히 Unanimo Party라는 게임으로 나와있는 건지 전혀 예상을 못했었다. 그리고 찾다 보니 알게 된 거지만 영어권에서 잘하는 게임이 아니고 프랑스어로 많이 검색되는 것 보니 프랑스에서는 하는 게임? 인 것 같았다. Unanimo는 Unanimous에서 온 것이고 참고로 Unanimous의 뜻은 만장일치라는 뜻이다. 아니, 만장일치라는 게임이 너도나도 가 될 줄은 몰랐지...ㅜㅜ 그렇지만 이렇게 듣고 보니, 너도나도라는 어감이 더 게임으로 매력 있게 느껴지니 왜 바꾼지도 알 것 같다. 

사진출처 : 팝콘에듀




/Doing a semi-fan meetup!(It was filmed during phase 1 of quarantine.) /

-Doing a semi-fan meetup... without me.


-Hi -Hi 


-We are heading to Ansung right now. For better description, I need to introduce my friend, Ji-Yeon.



-Ji-Yeon is a teacher of an academy. 


-The students who are taught by her↗


-They love MinSSoGong crew a lot. So we are going to meet them as a surprise. 


-She told them they are going to get some (profile) photo shoot. 


-But these two really dressed up nicely with wearing perfume as well. 


- No more perfume on you(singing)♪


-JiYeon told us they might feel awkward, but I feel like I and SeoWoo are going to feel awkward the most. 


-It takes me a lot to open up. It doesn't matter how old they are.. twenty, forty, or three. 




-This is nerve-wracking. They are middle and high schoolers. 

-Highschool. They just got in. 


-Various age group like MinSSoGong crew...


-That's icy. 


-Stay -Tuned 




-Show your condition... /(She just wore it right away.)/


-Too.. Really... I am so nervous.. -My heart is pounding.  


-It seems like it is just fine though..


-Should we go? 


/JiYeon's camera (JiYeon entered the academy first) /


-Hi. -Hi. -Hello -Hey kids, go to the big room one by one. 


-Three, two, one.. /Kids running like a flock of sheep.../


/Herding them into a practice room/


-Did you guys all in? 


-Check your temperatures first.


(First, check the temperature and write down name on an access list. Then, sanitize hands. )


- Why do you do it by yourself? /This video had been filmed in fall. /


/ Tada!-Come out /


-Hello. -Hello... 


-Who are... y...


-They don't recognize me. /Not recognizing because of a mask/ 


/(belated recognition)/  


/Hey... We've all wanted to meet you guys..!/




-She is HyeonJu. 


-HyeonJu, did you catch the bus? /That HyeonJu was this HyeonJu.../










/(The happiest moment of ten girls...)/  


-Kids, the photoshoot was just a set-up. 


-Awww~! ♥ 


-Since you guys had wanted to meet you so bad, they are visiting as a surprise. 


-We came here to have some fun.




-Although you guys are not going to take any photos, but you are going to get filmed by YIZIDA. 




-We prepared some boardgames;The Great Dalmuti & The Unanimo Party 




-You Wrote? 

-I wrote, too!!!!


-EunJun has no idea.


/Got you, Eunjun/


(playing a possum) 


-One kiddo came in and try not to have an eye contact...


-Teacher JiYeon, You are so cool. 


-Let me introduce... Come over here, first. 


/feel shy of each others.../


-There's everything... /(even got Playstation)/ 




-There's no class for an hour due to some situation of this academy. 


-So we are going to chat together. 




-How do you feel about visiting the academy?


-Actually.. Kids didn't recognize me at first.


-I must ask about this to them.


-Ask them now. -I really gotta point this out. 


-Since you guys didn't recognize her at first...


-No!!.. NO!!!! /(Kind kids...) 


-We did prank as well. -Really. 


-We've tried to memorize your names by looking at your pictures. 




-I am so overwhelmed~!


-This is our academy. 


-Greeting here in front of camera. 




-Hello, there! I'm 29! 






-And next!






/(Coming back from the restroom)/


-It's your time to introduce yourself. We all did it already. -Huh?


-Look here and introduce yourself with own theme. 




-Now you go!




-Here here.




-Should we sit in round shape... Should we mix it up little? 




/(New kid, JiWon, is joining)/


-We are the new students for today. 


-Eunyoung, She is 14. 




/~The Unanimo Party~/

-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too!


-There's a pencil case. What's in it? 


-Start with YIZIDA, first.


-a mechanical pencil. 


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too!


-an eraser


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! /(Unanimity)/


-a pencil


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! /(7 points)/


-Eraser dust 


-WUT?????? WHAAAT? 


/(Hilarious auntie ♥)/






-a bullet pen


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! 


-OMR marking pen




-Highlighter pen


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! 


-Mechanical pencil lead 


-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! 



-You wrote it? -I wrote it, too! 


-A stopwatch 


-Her eye contact to Eunyoung was filled with anticipation. 


(Overly exaggerated)-Stopwatch






-We gotta get ready for class.  


/(Let's meet again after class!)/


/EXCITED after meal/








-And SIT right there


/Scene 1 and Take 1/


/Self introduction/


-Hi, I am Eunjun, Kim and 20 yrs old.


-I am HyunJu, Park and 19. 


-HyunJu, did you take a buy?


-Doyeon, Yoo and 18.


-Seoyoon, Lee and 18.


-Show your face!


-Seventeen and Soyeon, Lee!


-I am 14 and Eunyoung, Kim. 


-What year were you born in? 




-When I was born, there was a huge hit of Drama called Coffee Prince. 


-And My name is Samsoon, Kim!


-Aren't you similar age with Samsoon, Kim? 


-Yes.. I AM..


/The next game is the greatest Dalmuti./ 


-No.2 has 2 cards. What about No.3? 




-Is there 2 of No.1?  




-Why not? 


-CUZ No.1 has only one card!!! @^&#?& 


/(charming smirk)/


-A Game is  just a game. 


-Can't believe that I am holding only 7 cards for this game to start. 


/The youngest is kicking off first./


-So I am gonna start, right?


/(14 yrs old)/ 


-2 cards of No.9 


-2cards of No.7


-2cards of No.6


-You guys can't beat me~~!!!


-2cards of No.4


-1 card of No.5






-You are holding too many cards.




-One of No.12


/JiYeon won the first place./


/Yizida won the second place. /


/SeoWoo won the 4th place./


-Is it my turn? -Aren't you guys done yet? 


-Do it quickly. 


-Sit, Seowoo. 


-Yes, ma'am.


/Eunyong won the 6th place./


-Yo, what the heck? 




/pecking ordering.../


-King! May I sit? 


-Yeah, Sit there. 


-Thank you your majesty. 


-Call it "Yo, Minjoo!" 


-On Three, call her "Yo, Minjoo!" 


-"Yo, Minjoo!!!!!!!!!!!" 


/JiWon had to go back home./


-BYE~ -Bye.. -Go home safe. 


-Hello. The game is just over? Okay, I got it. (Trolling)


-1 card of No.5


/(Soyeon's turn)/






-In english, there's no formal polite word for it!


-Okay. Okay.


-I don't have any.


-HyeonJu never draw cards yet though?


/(Asking some help to pro)/


-Why are you helping the opponent? Just help these kids~!


-What should I do?


-She is doing this after winning over KIDS.


-Let's just enjoy this party. 


-Hyeonju is finally over!


/Eunjun is the loser of this round./


-Eunjun, what are you doing? Shuffle it now.






-Gimmie some water. 


-Hyunju, bring some water.




/They adjust so well on this game ;The greatest dalmuti./








-Eunjun.. You hand out cards. 




-Do it quickly. 


-You are like a person from the JoSeon Dynasty.




-This is the JoSeon Dynasty right now... What are you talking about?


-One card of No2.














-Why doesn't No.2 card come out? 


-There's one missing No.2 card.


-2 is right here. (In Korean, 2(yee) sounds the same with tooth. So it was PUN.)


-Yee(2 in Korean) is right there. Several Yee..


/Wrapping up.../


-1 of No.1


-So the dalmuti is over.


-Spinning the honey bear.


-What are you doing? 




-Please subscribe and like this video. And also turn on the no(*&#@..




-Turn on the notification!


/(I love you guys!!)/


/SeoWoo lost one point/


-Spinning the honey bear~~


/(We are playing just a board game, not the worldcup.)/


/JiYeon lost one point/




/Attacking Minjoo/




-How dare you, Doyeon!!


/Never ending this honey bear game.../






/HyeonJu attacks Eunyoung/


/Eunyoung got eliminated./ 


/So we overjoyed this game.../


/The next game is the Codename./ -This game is going to be a team battle. /


/(Red;Team Red)/ /(Right;Team blue)/


-Blue Blue GO GO!


-Red Red!!!


-Let's do like this. 


-Blue Blue GO GO!


-Then, let's do in both ways.




/(got discouraged)/


-Got it correct!!

/(Team red is on a roll...)/


/(But the team-work wasn't so good.)/




/We are completely defeated./


-Do you guys know how to be shown up? 




-I am HyeonJu, Park and 19. 




-17, Soyeon Lee /(Twinkle twinkle)/


/The last game is a yell in silence./


/(volume is up)/


-Okay, Can't really hear me? 


/(I'm scared)/


/Team Eunyoung VS Team Wooyah /


-We are going to get divded into Team Eunyoung and Team Wooyah.


-Stand behind to Eunyoung if you want to be in the same team.


-Turn around.




/Deciding a topic/


-a saying? 


-A saying would be too difficult! 


-I am the leading master of ceremonies!! Just do if I ask for it. 


-Aw, kids. She is not meant for it. So don't worry.


-Yeah, I was just fooling around!


-The topic is fruit.


/Making the opponent's answers/


-Don't do too difficult things... just for fun.


-GOT it.


-Don't do like 'frozen blueberries.'


-Get it? Don't do like 'frozen blueberries.' Okay?


/Hyeonju has to take a bus../


-We can come again. -Congrats. 


/(Let's meet soon again, HeyonJu~)/








-The smell...!!! IS BAD!!!






-Three syllabus!!!


-I can hear you.


-I can hear you.


-This game is ruined!!!


-Let's do another game!!!


-Try it within not too loud voice then.


-Oh.. don't yell.


/Rule has been changed ; say it with not too loud voice./


-Three syllabus!!!


-UGH!! Your hand though!!!


/※Not allowed to have any hand gestures, nor any gestures/


-The last two syllabus... though


-Our country




-Doo-Guel-Ja-Ga (two syllabus in Korean)


-Woo-Ri-Na-Ra?(Our country in Korean)


-BooRuSta (Portable cooking stove in Korean)


-AH-Fri-Ca! (Africa)  






-Kore fruit


-Korean fruit






-Sae-Guel-Ja (Three syllabus in Korean) 


-ChaeRuhSang...? (???)






-What's in Sagwa(apple) in English



-Two syllabus at the beginning. 




/Shine Muscat/


-Grape but mango flavored


-Shine Muscat


-Took 2 min 40 sec




-(Music) is about to play.




/(Almost damaged my eardrums)/


/Shine Muscat/


-They said it just before.


-Shine Muscat


/black sapphire grape/




-It's similar with something that we just talked about!!!




-a grape!




/(Trying to express grapes)/


-Conduct Zero


-Long name




-Loooong name


-It has a long name.






-What the heck is this? PASS!!!


-They are really mean.


-Don't write any difficult thing..


/Passion Fruit/








-Don't write down like blueberry


-Da-sut(Five in Korean)


-Guel-Ja(Syllabus in Korean) 


-Ga-Jeon...! (Home eletronic in Korean)


-Yessss yess..!!


-Da-sut Guel-Ja(Five Syllabus  in Korean)




-Passion Fruit




-Smaller than oranges




-Smaller than that!


-like tiny




-Let's do different topic. 


/Topic ; Korean actors and singers/


/SeoYoon is alson heading to home.../


-Now, only three people left. 


/(Team SeoYoon without SeoYoon)/








-Molla! I don't know(One of Umjeonghwa's song)


-She is a co-star with YooJaeseok...  /Hang Out With Yoo/




-JuJe Girl? 


-Refund Sisters


-The eldest 






-Boygroup Idol. Ohmygirl!




-Gat-Eun-Hwe-Sa('Same company' in Korean)




-Hyeol-Aek-Hyeong (Blood type in Korean)




-Yes. Hyeol-Aek-Hyeong!




-The name of this group!!!


-The name of BeeTub...???


-is Hyeol-Aek-Hyeong!!!(blood type)














-Why is she twisting that much?!








-Girlgroup Idol










/♫Singing a song -Teddybear♫/




-Who is the teddy bear?


/♫Singing a song -Teddybear♫/


-Not the shampoo!


-Rinse (hair conditioner in Korean)








-This is crazy.


-Superstar K


-Superstar K


-Superstar K Two!




-Woo-Sueng-Ja(The winner in Korean)


-Who star?






-Woo-Sueng-Ja(The winner in Korean)


-Who star?










-John Park




-A friend of JohnPark


-Huh Gak!


/Eunjun & Eunyoung/


-Go, Eunjun!




-A Tale of Two Sisters!!!










(going nuts)


-a really good looking male celebrity


-Male celebrity


-Freakin' good looking




-Too good looking


-Too good looking


-Yes, male actor






-AhGahSsi(Movie 'the Handmaiden' in Korean) 


-Hanuel(Sky in Korean)


-AhGahSsi(Movie 'the Handmaiden' in Korean) 


-Hanuel???(Sky in Korean)


-Little Forest!






-Male actor!


-Male actor?


-PyeonYeuJeom!(Convenience Store in Korean)




-Convenience Store Saet-byul!


-We never see each other ever again after.


/Team SeoWoo win/


-This is too late, so let's wrap it up and go home. 


/♫Singing an old song about farewell♫/


-Do you guys even know this?


-They don't know... don't know..


-different generation..


/♫Singing another song about farewell♫/


-It would be not ever last farewell to say just Good bye~


-Please hug Eunjun.

-She is crying even though she is 20.


-20? She is not that different from me though!


-ONLY 9 years younger...




-We don't know everyone's age...


/Guess the age~!/


-Yizida! How old do you think she is?


-41! -24!


-She said 41...


-She just wants to fight with you. JUST FIGHT NOW!


-Unnie, how old do I look like?


-You look just like 20, Gijibae!


-Seowoo.. You are 22 right? 


-Yes, I am.. 


/What's wrong with her?/ 


-How old do you think she is?








-Last not least, how old are you, Seowoo~?


-But Eunyoung calls you Unnie all the time in Picnic Crew(their youtube channel)


-Yeah, that's just our thing.. 


/(Trying to make some excuses for it)/


-They try to show some respect for calling each other like 'Hangnim', 'Unnie'...


-Thirty six




/(Doyeon is just beating unnies...)/




/(The pictue is on Yizida instagram)/


-Thank you!!


-SkyCastle!! Sky!!! 




딱히 이번 편에서는 평소에도 안 써본 표현은 없었다. 그래도 알아두면 좋은 단어들을 정리해보자면, 학용품이다. 

(유튜브 영상에 학용품이 나온다고 의아해하겠지만, 보드게임 너도 나도를 할 때 관련된 토픽이었기 때문이다.) 의외로 말하려면 잘 모르는 것들만 정리해봤다. 


+샤프 ; a mechanical pencil -- 샤프가 너무나도 영어스럽기 때문에 영어라고 생각해서 샤프를 영어식으로 말한다고 샤RR프 한다면 원어민들이 못 알아들을 것이다. 그렇게 쓰지 않기 때문에😂😂😂


+샤프심 ; a mechanical pencil lead


+지우개 가루 ; eraser dust / eraser crumbs -- dust는 먼지라는 뜻이고, crumb은 부스러기라는 뜻이다. 그래서 참고로 빵 부스러기(빵가루)는 bread crumbs 


+화이트 ; white-out -- 그냥 화이트라고 말하면 색을 뜻하지만 white-out라고 말하면 우리가 알고 있는 수정액/화이트를 뜻한다. 


+형광펜 ; a highlighter / a highlighter pen -- 하이라이터라고 보통 하지만, 요새는 화장품에서 얼굴의 윤곽을 살려주기 위해 광을 내주는 것도 하이라이터라고 쓰이기 때문에 하이라이터 펜이라고 하면 더 정확하다. 



오마이갓.... 해석만 하는 것도 짧게 많은 분들이 말해서 오래 걸렸는데, 싱크 맞추는 거 오 마이 갓... 딴짓하면서 하기도 했지만 그래도 정말 오래 걸렸네요...이지다님 편집 어떻게 하시지....ㄷㄷ


유튜브 예능 영상인데 분명히 영어 단어들은 학용품이 나오는... 기이한 이지다 영상ㅋㅋ

아쉬웠던 점은 우리나라의 문화(TV 프로그램이나, 연예인들)를 잘 모르는 외국인들에게도 영어로 번역된 이 영상이 어필할까 싶긴 하다. 그래도 사람일은 모르는 거니까... ;)




유튜브 영어자막과 번역에 관심 있으시면 댓글 남겨주세요. 


